Welcome To PS-PostScript
Established in 2007 and based in London, we provide a specialised service preparing post-production scripts to the highest levels of accuracy and professionalism for the film and television industry. We prepare economical, studio-approved post-production spotting lists at a fast turnaround for independent British and international features. Our rates are the most competitive in the country and our client base includes most international sales agents, distributors, the UK's leading independent production companies and post production supervisors.
We produce all of the industry-standard script documents demanded by studios, sales agents, distributors and production companies, including subtitle spotting, dialogue, continuity and combined lists. Please contact us for format samples of any of our post scripts and lists.
We’d be happy to provide an unbeatable quote for your next project.
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Feature film distributors often have widely varying delivery requirements. Most distribution and sales agreements specify extensive detail to be included in a Post Production Script, referring to scene, shot and action descriptions and explanations of dialogue such as slang and colloquialisms. Others are more traditional, referring principally to the soundtrack - specifically, dialogue and music.
A standard Post Production Script for film will include scene headings, spot numbers, footage or timecode references, timings, music cues and credit lists. The finished scripts are delivered to you in paper or electronic form, including PDF, Word, WordPerfect, text e-mail attachments or HTML Web pages. Preliminary and final spotting lists can be emailed direct to translators and subtitlers. Our two most popular feature post scripts are:
(Combined Dialogue, Continuity and Master English Subtitle Spotting List)
A single document containing both dialogue list, detailed continuity and subtitle spotting list.
A CDCSL includes all the elements of a combined continuity script:
each shot is numbered and given a time reference
continuity is concisely described
dialogue is word-accurate and includes ID
music cues are numbered and time referenced
main subtitles and supers are numbered in.
Plus a time reference in and out and duration for dialogue, main subtitles and supers
(Combined Dialogue & Continuity Spotting List)
A single document containing both dialogue list and detailed continuity information.
each shot is numbered and given a time reference
continuity is concisely described
music cues are numbered and time referenced
dialogue is word-accurate and includes ID
Plus a time reference in and out and duration for dialogue and supers.
As with feature films, PS-PostScript prepares a comprehensive range of post production and transmission scripts. Networks and international sales agents and broadcasters often don’t require as much detail for dedicated television product as for feature films.
A post-production script package for television drama and factual will almost always include however a spotting list with all dialogue, timings, characters, head and tail credit lists and music cues.
Popular formats for broadcasters include:
- As Broadcast Transmission Post Production Script
- Transmission Dialogue List
For us to prepare your post production script we require:
If you require a foot and frame script, we need a dub with a foot and frame burn, broken into the various reels, not one continuous burn. The dub should have locked picture, final audio, visual FX and dialogue - including final ADR.
We need a copy of the shooting script on disc or by email in any of the usual formats - rtf .doc .pdf .wps .txt .asc .fdr. We may be able accommodate other formats, please contact us to confirm. We prefer to receive your script in advance of the scripting date, this helps us to schedule accurately. The script should include the original text and a translation of any foreign language dialogue in the film.
We need a doc file containing the Final Main and End Credits for the film.
We ideally need a copy of your Post Production Script delivery requirements.
We need a copy of your Music Cue Sheet with timecodes accurate to those of the finished film. Also, if stipulated on your delivery schedule, we will require a doc file of any song lyrics featuring in the film.
For any enquiries or quotes, please email
Peter Gibson or Piers Nightingale at:
or call: +44 7956 529489
or fill out the following form:
Head Office
Contact Us
To apply for a job with us, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to: office@PS-PostScript.com
Get a quote: office@PS-PostScript.com